Nov 7, 2022

James Cameron is waking up

 To the very real possibility that Avaturd 2 the way of diarrhea can flop. I'm not going to be the first one to say it, but it does need to flop... and flop harder than Waterworld! For one reason only: James Cameron needs to be knocked down a peg or 20. Ever since Titanic, his fame has gotten to his head hard, hence Avaturd.

Let's be honest here: What do you remember about the Original Avatar?
Aside the visuals, or generalizing the story to "Whote Savior innnnnnn spaaaaaaaaaace!"
I don't remember the exact quote but basically Pandora is Space Australia.
Jake becomes the bestest Na'Vi that has ever Hey'd,watched out, or Listened!
Also, the Na'Vi are hair fuckers.

If you remember anything else, you cheated and googled... because this movie is forgettable.
If Avaturd had been directed by anyone else, people wouldn't remember it, but since it was directed by the guy who gave us Aliens, The Abyss, the only 2 good Terminator movies, and Titanic, everyone fawns over him. James Cameron's name was the reason why Avaturd had some fleeting success.

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