On a recent Podcast, Brian Flynn of Super7,entioned some thongs about various lines: like how The Rescuers wave is most likely canceled, Berbils are not on the top of B-Flynn's Thundercats plan, how Copper Kidd is still coming and his space Racer is coming too... But TMNT IS THE BIG ISSUE HERE:
Monty Moose and Hotspot are NOT on the top of the list. B-Flynn didn't onow about the Warriors of the Forgotten Sewer. We got official confirmation about Playmates being the main reason the vintage styled unpainted weapons are no longer being made. We got official confirmation that they cannot get as close to 100% Playmates accurate styling despite having different scale and articulation. Mostly because there are some "sensitivities" with the designs and apparently there's a "line in the sand" that Super7 cannot cross without "ruffling a few feathers." Which translates into what fans have theorized: "Playmates got butthurt about Super7 making new figures that have modern articulation, but visually, they keep the vintage aesthetics far better than Playmates' own attempts."
Also, a more Playmates Toys inspired Rat King is coming. I suppose that they'll add, a more vintage head, the bones on his suit but not the rats or centipedes.
Mockup using the Ramen Toy 3rd party head on the Super7 Rat King Body with crudely drawn bones. |
He could get the removable roadkill belt BUT it wouldn't be all orange. It could be cast in Rattle Snake tan/brown and painted appropriately. The pouches on the belt could be painted brown and the cheeses could be cheddar orange and swiss white. The knife hilt could be metallic yellow and the cat in Orange Tabby with black tire marks. Same principle would apply to the other toy accessories. Like The crossbow wouldn't be neon green, but instead be Black with Olive Green accents as a nod to the toy. The Crossbow could have an arrow with a "rat tip"
Think Antman clinging to Hawkeye's arrow but with a rat. Additional trick arrows could be added, like say cheesebait arrow to direct Rats.
In addition to his rat buddies and the toon/Shredder's Revenge flute. Of course, Rat King is not coming anytime soon, since we have waves 7,8,9, and 10 in preorder status and until we don't get at least 2 waves in-hand, Super7 shouldn't drop any other TMNT preorders.
A painted version of the traditional Rat Hook could work OR a new 4 pronged Rat Hook
That way it keeps The Playmates Aesthetics but it's not 100% Playmates Accurate, so it won't ruffle too many feathers. Personally I'd be okay with the body of the figure they showed but adding a vintage styled head and the removable belt. Emphasis on the word REMOVABLE.
While I'm here let's talk Pizzaface. It's no secret that I'm gunning for him to be made. So once again, I'm going to speculate on how he could be theoretically made. I WILL USE AN ANDRE THE GIANT ULTIMATES as a sort of template on articulation and chunkiness. The crude edits on phone software ARE NOT TO SCALE. He should be slightly taller than a Turtle...
For height reference only. Width is not to scale do to phone software limitations.Also painted the hat in a yellowish color to differentiate it from Playmates. |
The figure itself, I could see it coming with maybe a second head. Standard hands, special Pizza tossing hand,Tossable pizzas, in my drawing I made the knife from his apron a removable weapon to differentiate it from playmates. Due to software limitations I didn't add the slobber and random pizza toppings that should be all over his body. (Not playmates accurate, but it fits with the style.) Personally, his filthy outfit would consist of grease stains, sauces, slobber, and ooze. Grease stains would be orange splotches painted on vs the sauce stains which would have sculpted splotches, since sauce is thicker and chunkier. I'd add random bits of pepperoni, mushrooms, and peppers stuck on creases and folds.
Speaking on articulation: unlike the Playmates toy, both of his legs have normal articulation down to the knee. I was forced to make Pizzaface's pants longer for Articulation's sake... and to hide most of the prosthesis. In the Playmates toy, Pizzaface has a cleaver that reaches all the way to his hip. This would male his cleaver a Carcass Splitter, but I'm not too sure if it could hold the figure's weight if made accurate. Making the "prosthetic leg weapon" shorter reduces potential of the handle breaking.
Yeah, this is the elephant in the room.
Mockup Not to scale. I would prefer stubbier arms and legs. Not all accessories included in mockup. |
I already mentioned the removable knife that is inspired by the vintage toy's sculpt. It gives him a new usable weapon that the vintage toy didn't have. I'm using the Party Wagon pizzas as an example on the different sizes for his tossable pizzas. The toppings should match the vintage toy, but in worst case scenario they could reuse the Party Wagon pizzas. Like Metalhead and his nunchuck weapon, Pizzaface should have 2 versions of his prosthetic leg weapons. One set of each that plugs into the leg and the other said that can be held by the figure's C grip hands.
The Ninja pizza Shield is out, because I want to incorporate it to the Pizza cutter leg. That way the figure is "different enough" from Playmates. While remaining incredibly close. Of course, I would prefer if Pizzaface was as close as possible to the Playmates version, but I could compromise with something that doesn't stray too far from it. But the Ultimate Secret Weapons to make a Close to accurate Playmates Pizzaface NOT feel like it's an upscaled Pizzaface is on his heads: all 3 or 4 of them.
Here's what I mean with the heads:
Head 1 based on the Lawson art.
Head 2 based on the Pizza the Hutt concept art by Errol McCarthy.
Heads 3 and 4 based on the Prototype Pizzaface with the conjoined twin head that hides under his chef's hat.
But I guess we'll have to wait until the end of the year to see whar A7 is cooking with TMNT for wave 11.
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