May 9, 2023

Top 100 Action figure props wishlist part 3 (60-41)

 Part 3 is now a go! Again, if you haven't read parts 1 and 2, I'm making a list of items that can be useful for building dioramas or displays for action figures if they were made available to buy. The reason is that not everyone is arts and crafts inclined to make all of the props needed on their own.

I'm randomly choosing items of various sizes that work as props and backdrops for displays. So far the biggest items have been of organic nature, which are trees and rock formations. Everything else has fallen into one of these categories:
Organics, which is basically things you can see in nature, plants, animals, rock formations.

Fantasy, which covers things from medieval fantasy, fairy tales, barbarians, and things like that.

Modern World, which covers urban stuff from the second half of the 20th Century to the first 2 decades of the 21st Century

Sci-Fi, which covers your futuristic space adventure stuff.

Sometimes items can be in 2 categories at once.

60: potted plants and floral arrangements:
Plants on pots for household and offices, bouquets and other flower arrangements, single roses for multiple reasons and a sitting pug that is totally not a reference to the greatest movie of all time.

59: Martial Arts practice gear:
Old school wooden training dummy, modern dummy dude, punching bags, practice weaponry, etc.

58: Chemistry equipment:
Batman, Spider-Man, Beast, Donatello are just a few characters that could use chemistry equipment as props. While companies like Hasbro have made some items available, you've read my complaints about the Volumetric flask

57:  Medieval feast:
Food that you would find at a banquet of noblefolk. That includes bread trenchers. Medieval meals, cutlery, etc.

56: Castaways:
We're Castaways... Ahoy there! Ahoy! I HAD to make that reference... it was either that or the volleyball. 2 palm trees, A couple of coconuts, a campfire, A lean to shelter made out of plam leaves and sticks, maybe some fish on sticks that are being grilled on the fire. The idea is that the set is made to be used in ALL kinds of displays. It works for Conan, MOTU, TMNT, Star Wars,  Street Fighter, etc. since the set only has stuff that a castaway would gather.

55: Musical Instruments:
I know McFarlane had Guitar Hero stuff... I think it was McFarlane, but musical instruments aren't as easy to find and the K-On! Girls are expensive in the secondary market... don't get me started on the Muppets. No I don't want ti give the mighty sphincter a fiddle as a nod to his douchebag creator. Damn, this is the first time in months that I thought about Scott Neitlich. I wonder what he's doing? Outside of spreading fake news on YouTube about adult collectibles. But enough about lying has-beens. This is about western instruments for rock bands. Hell, I'd like things like a big ass Piano and maybe even a Church Organ to use as backdrop... for reasons.

54: gates and turnstiles: 
One of various types of barriers we encounter in our everyday life. Subway stations, office buildings theme parks, etc. are places you may encounter some of these.

53: vandalism set:
Criminals are not only supervillains or thieves. Punks, gangbangers also get their kicks from vandalism. Spray cans, bricks, chains, broken bottles, pipes, and other makeshift weapons. Maybe even a few Molotovs.

52: Food Delivery set:
It's a moped... (It's a 1 person vehicle that can be considered an accessory) with modular pieces to make the dicery moped into a Pizza moped, Chinese moped, Fried Chicken moped, etc.

51: crates and boxes: 
I'm talking about wooden crates and other types of ways to move cargo. When used with the already mentioned metal drum cans they could create a warehouse environment. I guess plastic drum cans would be necessary. I almost want to suggest that they should include a forklift but that would be a rather large vehicle even if it's for one person. Breakable crates, useable creates, you name it.

50: Groceries:
I understand that this is bordering in Dollhouse territory, but even NECA's TMNT accessory packs include chip bags... I'm thinking of things like that and some non food items as well. TP, cat food, things like that come to mind.

49: Medieval/Fantasy Marketplace:
I have been pushing this one for some time. The idea was to have shops with canopies over each stall for an Eternos Marketplace mini playset... now I'm pushing beyond MOTUC and heading into generic fantasy Marketplace accessories to make your own. Basically baskets of fruits, veggies, couple of small animal carcasses, a cleaver, couple of tables. The idea is that you get enough stuff to make 2 stalls. If you combine the hay cart and barrels from previously mentioned suggestions, you could make a Marketplace feel more "alive" despite not having too many commoners to display with.

48: VR Training Room set:
This accessory pack is to make a VR training room set. It would be heavily inspired by the X-Men's Danger Room, Metal Gear Solid's VR Missions and one of the best American Gladiators event: Assault

47: breakable walls:
I know some wrestling playsets and even Marvel Legends (ToyBiz era) did this. But we need a bit more variety for these. Not just Modern era walls, but also for Fantasy, Natural environments, and for Sci-Fi. Traditional brick walls work for the Funko Pop! Kool-aid man, but not everyone is the Kool-aid man! The Natural terrain could work for an Injustice type of display with superman bursting inside the Batcave, while the brick wall could work for Mousers in the sewers, the Castle wall could work as Skeletor attacking Eternos Palace and the Sci-Fi wall being broken could be the Decepticons battling the Autobits in Cybertron.

46: Medical Emergency accessories:
I don't mean the big medical equipment like MRI machines... I'm talking the smaller stuff like first aid kits, injections, slings, defibrillators, etc. Yes, I know that some of these are already made by wrestling lines. What I'm suggesting is getting the stuff that we don't have already in addition to more of what  we already have. Plumber's tape makes for great bandage wrapping for action figures. I used it with toothpicks to make splints for my action figures when playing.

45: boulders:
I remember in the early 90s that some capsule toy machines had bouncy balls shaped like rocks and that you could buy larger bouncy balls shaped like rocks at toy stores. I had a few and I lost them in the dark years where I distanced myself from toys. I believe I even got one from Discovery Zone... around 1992-1993 approximately. 

44: trees from the jungle:
These aren't your city trees. These would be bigger than the city trees, about 20 inches (50.8cm) with vines, bigger roots, snakes, and any other accessories/small creatures that can give it a more jungle-ish vibe.

43: Desert accessories:
A couple of cacti, an animal skull. A small sandstone rock.

42: power tools:
I already suggested small appliances, media devices, so Power Tools was eventually meant to show up for various reasons:
They're one of the most popular items to get stolen.
Certain illegal activities require the usage of them.
Even heroes use them... *cue flashbacks from the A-Team*

41: Board games:
They don't have to be functional, just look the part and be in scale. There's the whole Prof. X and Magneto playing Chess thing, well how about being able to have Tony and Cap compete in Connect 4, or have Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown playing Battleship on the Batcave, or Leonardo and raphael going at it in Crossfire. For some reason I can see Michelangelo playing this game and singing the song...

With this, Part 3 is done... now I need to recharge my brain for the last 2 parts... Why oh why did I say 100!? I should've just said 69, but unlike my Twilight reviews and FemFreq reactions, I will see this through to the end!!

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