Jul 26, 2020

Joss Whedon vs Ray Fisher: a rant.

During the last few weeks, months, or literally, straight after the Snyder cut announcement, Ray Fisher has been attacking Joss Whedon. He's made some generic accusations regarding Whedon's "abusive and unprofessional behavior"... but he can't go into details because of a "Non-Disclosure Agreement".

The saddest thing in all of this is that Fisher COULD BE TELLING THE TRUTH but he's looking extremely unprofessional by attempting to weaponize cancel culture against Whedon... Or a pathetic attempt to promote the Snyder cut by trashing Joss Whedon and his version of Justice League.

Francis Ford Coppola, Michael Bay, Stanley Kubrick, Werner Herzog, William Friedkin, Roman Polanski, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, David O. Russell, Bernardo Bertolucci, Lars von Trier, Darren Aronofsky, James Cameron just to name a few Infamous directors that were "abusive and unprofessional". They would eat up Fisher alive for breakfast and make him beg for Whedon. No, I'm not defending Whedon or these guys. The problem with Fisher's accusations os that they are vague. Meanwhile Producer Jon Berg, who was also accussed by Fisher of "enabling Whedon's behavior" claims that Fisher was being a diva and was hellbent on NOT saying "Booyah!!", A catchphrase by Cyborg as interpreted by Khary Payton. My guess is that Fisher thought of the phrase too silly and belittling to his vision of the character. Not to mention being already angry of his reduced role in Whedon's version in comparison to Snyder's.

Some people try to bring the somewhat sexist anime-esque scene where Flash bumps onto WW and both are knocked down and his face lands on her chest area. Allegedly, Gal Gadot didn't want to film this scene and a stuntwoman was brought in. Of course this is a third party telling the story. AFAIK there have been no official remarks by Gadot.
Then again, getting her ass pawed by an old man wasn't so outrageous for her to "throw a tantrum". But if THAT scene is why Whedon is "unprofessional and abusive" that he should be cancelled, is laughable at best. I get that the scene is immature and a bit sexist, but in the grand scheme of things is not  like having live birds attack her for rejecting his advances... (Hitchcock did that during The Birds... google it) That he threw a tantrum threatening her about not finding a job in Hollywood after this? Most likely, and why aren't we cancelling Christian Bale for his Terminator Salvation Meltdown? If a director's "you'll never get anothwr job in film" tantrum is all Fisher got, well, that's pretty much nothing. Pretty much EVERY DIFFICULT TO WORK WITH DIRECTOR goes through with that tirade.

Others claim that Whedon bitching about what Snyder had made is the "unprofessional" part of the accusations.
To be fair, to be forced to redo an entire film, while making studio mandated changes that require massive reshoots, ANYONE WOULD BITCH ABOUT THE SHITTY JOB MADE BY THEIR PREDECESSOR! Yes, it would be a  bit unprofessional, but again, trying to salvage a turd in a short period of time... OF COURSE, HE'S GOING TO BE IN ASSHOLE MODE! It's not fair, but people don't always behave their best during crunch time.

There have been better references to Whedon's assholery that are more concrete than what Fisher is offering. Right now it looks more like Fisher is butthurt that the DCEU crunbled before he got his solo movie... despite most likely being the one telling the truth.

So, long story short:
-Fisher made some vague accusations against Whedon.
-The accusations are most likely true.
-The accusations may also be greatly exaggerated.

Questions I have:
-If "Accountability > Entertainment" shouldn't "Accountability > NDA" too? Or putting your money where your mouth is doesn't count?
-Where is the cast in all of this? If what Fisher says is true, then why haven't they spoken about it?

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