Jul 12, 2020

Tree fiddy Sentinel made it...

That's pretty cool!
They reached their first goal, so the Sentinel will be made. Now they are sweetening the pot:
A Mastermold head for this big, huge, gigantic sonuva bitch... but I still stand by it being way too overpriced.
Let's see how many add-ons will they add to pump up those numbers... so far there are 2 mystery add-ons and they will increase by each 1000 sentinels bought. According to Hasbro we're over 7500.

The bad news is that he has electronics... See, this is the kind of crap that is bloating the price. Axing the electronics would allow for a more affordable Sentinel, which would've translated into even more sales.
But what's done is done. I will keep an eye on this to see what the next unlockables will be.

Now if they add a COTA-94 Sentinel from Earth 30847... I'm gonna be so angry...

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