Jan 13, 2022

Masterverse Has the potential to surpass MOTUC

 But right now, their biggest obstacle is literally Mattel. The Articulation on the figures is a step forward from MOTUC. The swappable parts and having "multiple looks" is pretty crafty. Having the figures be more modular with removable bracers is an intelligent idea suitable for Adult Collectors. This, in theory should make Masterverse superior to MOTUC. Unfortunately, Mattel is Mattel's worst enemy. Their overreliance on Revelation is deteimental to the line IN THE LONG RUN. The Universe of MOTU is far more than the little bit butchered by the people behind Revelation. It came and it went away. And the negative reaction to Revelation has had a negative effect on some collectors who have avoided the line due to the ties to the cartoon. But to me, that's not the main issue.

My main issue is the inferior sculpts that these figures have in comparison to MOTUC. Look at Masterverse He-Man and MOTUC He-Man. The MOTUC figure is the better figure aesthetically speaking.
Yes, Masterverse is taller, but looks lankier. Almost like a WWE Figure with furry underpants on. The face sculpt isn't that great either. The non-monster heads have been a common complaint with Masterverse. The excuse is that "they look like that in Revelation" despite He-Man not being Revelation accurate. 
So, if they manage to improve their face sculpting and maybe bulk up the chest a little, we could have a superior figure. A third thing would be improving the extras... extra head, hands, weapons. Problem is that Mattel's cost-cutting ways to appease the bean counters are holding them back. The potential for a winner  there, but they squander resources on dumb things like Diecast fist for Fisto, which translates to balancing issues. 

The Barbarian Skeletor and Viking He-Man are a step in the right direction, but I feel like they are an afterthought now forced to the spotlight after the mixed reception to Revelation. After my disappointment with their sculpts, I can't bite the bullet with them. They would need to either release a figure that blows my mind or that their sculpts get a massive overhaul. I want MOTU to survive after me... and right now Masterverse is its last chance to  survive in its classic form.

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