Jan 21, 2022

M&M and diversity... a rant

 I've been called racist, sexist, and homophobic for criticizing the dumb changes made for She-Ra when Netflix Bastardized the series. I criticized the changes because they were being made to fill Social Justice Checkmarks instead of being for the series' sake. 

People said that I was being a paranoid bigot...
This is not a joke... They're rebooting the already diverse cast of m&m characters into "more diverse and inclusive" versions.

How the fuck do you make m&ms more inclusive!?

By removing their personalities, because they're "offensive", of course.

Green m&m lost her "sexy persona" because of offended idiots who don't know that her sexiness comes from the urban legend that "Green m&ms had aphrodisiac effects".

That's the gist of it. Everyone else got to keep their personality, except Green who lost her "sex appeal". Brown still has her bitchy bossy personality, red is still a quick witted cynic, yellow is still a bit naive, blue is still cool and Orange is still afraid of everything... to be fair, orange always gets violated by the new flavors like pretzel... everyone remained the same except for green... because "sexy while female" is bad. 

If the m&ms are going diverse, where's the wheelchair bound m&m with Lou Gehrig's disease? Or where's the chocolate m&m transitioning to Peanut m&m? It's not going to happen since rgis was just a hollow gesture for the sake of appearing "diverse" without actually doing anything.

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