Aug 4, 2022

I saw Lightyear

 Honestly,  I don't see the big deal about it. I actually missed the infamous kiss due to a sneeze. (Saw it on YouTube) it was less than a second long. I really don't get the fuzz people are throwing about this.
I can't imagine the outrage if it had been two dudes kissing... ah I get it, they mad because they weren't 2 nubile college students.

The only thing I can get behind the critics is that this movie isn't the type of movie that would get kids interested in buying a Buzz Lightyear figure. Heck it doesn't FEEL like a late 80s to early 90s sci-fi action movie that Andy would've seen and become a Buzz Lightyear fan. It feels too 2020s kind of movie. It's not a bad movie,  but it's not what they promised either. 
The only 90s movie accurate thing was the annoying minority sidekick played by Take a white titty. (Reread it in bad Australian impression) this felt like adapting one of those Buzz Lightyear expanded universe novels into a movie than an actual Buzz Lightyear movie. 

I wanted to love this movie but it lacked some I don't know what, but it felt lacking. The Zurg twist was interesting, but felt like a bad retcon of a joke from Toy Story 2. I kind of wish it had been made to purposely look like a bad low budget sci-fi movie from the 90s. I'm afraid of what they'd do in a Sheriff Pride movie.

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