Aug 1, 2022

George Jetson was born Yesterday

 July 31st, 2022 is the birthday of the Jetson Patriarch... the internet pretty much insists that's his Birthday. The Jetsons aired in 1962 and it was meant to be a hundred years since then. Basic math comes into the equation of substracting George Jetson's age from 2062, and that leaves 40-year old George Jerson being born on 2022. Why July 31st? No idea, but that would mean I would be either dead or an 80-year old curmudgeon by the time George is asking Jane to stop this crazy thing...

But for more refreshing vegan news: we're on the year of Soylent Green... if you're a vegan in 2022, you might be eating people...

If the movie is correct.

Also, next year will be the year when Terry McGinnis is born... 1 day before this Blog's anniversary. Better find a McFarlane Batman Beyond figure before that date.

We missed the BTTF Future and Blade Runner... we also happily avoided the TLOU Outbreak what other futures can we screw up?

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