I'm not exactly a fan of J. Michael Straczynski's Totem crap in Spider-Man, but I have been wanting a Morlun, a Shathra, and an Ezekiel...
We have a Morlun in Marvel Legends. Sadly, he was butchered by getting some Morbin' hands. Roll the beautiful Morbin' footage
Morlun is an Inheritor, an interdimensional being, who feeds of Totemistic beings. He prefers eating Spider themed totemic beings.
He's on A suit body with a torso overlay for his vest and coat. Translation: Reduced Torso articulation. Other than that, he poses rather well.
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Spidey: How did you-? Morlun: I have faced many spider totems before. I know how they fight, for I have devoured thousands of them. Spidey: Oh yeah? How about this! |
Paint and sculpt:
Aside the premaking Retro Series Animated Morbius hands, Morlun looks like a slightly undeader Morlun. Paintwise, there aren't any issues with him.
Extra slightly angrier head
BAF piece
Personally, a pair of fists were kinda needed for him.
Mr. Morlun gets a 4.5 as his final score. For a Morlun figure he's decent enough. There could've been a few things that could be made to put him in a better spot, but Hasbro, Marvel or Disney would approve.
But what's this!? A completely unrelated figure has entered the fray!? It's Armored DareDevil from the 90s! Since I've been unable to get a red Hasbro DareDevil, this will be my default DareDevil then.
Do I need to explain DareDevil? Matt Murdock, got blinded by a weird ooze, the ooze gave him superpowers. Grew up to be a lawyer, by night, he attempts to clean Hell's Kitchen, sorry Clinton, Manhattan, from crime.
Matthew Murdock has standard Legends Articulation. Due to the unique sculpt in torso and shoulders, he lacks the Butterfly shoulders, which are useful points of articulation for DareDevil. Warning: I had to use the hairdryer trick to get his feet moving, despite having the figure for over a year to acclimate to mu house's temperature. I had to pop the feet off in order to unstick the ankle pins with a small flathead screwdriver.
Paint and sculpt
DD uses some old parts and new parts to achieve the armored look. It seems that only the Matt head and feet are old parts.
The paint is decent on this figure between the shiny metallic candy red and matte blacks, the figire really pops. I wish the silver plastic had gotten a coat of paint to match the painted thigh armored panels.
Extra hands
Matt Murdock head
Alternate bracers (without billy club)
2 piece billy club
This version of DareDevil stores his billy club on his wrist bracers and they double as forearm armor. Having the option to use the billy club as weapon or as armor is cool. Only issue is that they're not to scale.
This DareDevil is a DECENT figure at 4.17 as his score... it could've used a bit more care to make him better. I shouldn't have to disassemble figures to fix something that should have been done from the get-go. Hasbro should have taken better care to make sure that his billy clubs stayed in scale.
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