Feb 9, 2023

Yikes! What happened to Madonna?

 Before Madonna tries to use ageism and me soggy knee as excuses, just shut up! About 2 years ago, Madonna looked like this:
Obviously, the 62-ish year old artist (at the time) had some procedures done (she claims she hasn't), but she looks pretty good for a woman in her age group and hectic lifestyle as an artist, despite the procedures to disguise her aging. Fast forward to this past weekend
Yikes! What happened here!? She looks incredibly swollen.
Her swelling gives me Bear Grylls stung by a bee vibes. It's a bit worrisome if she's addicted to surgeries, because she's reaching the point of no return, or just went past it.

It's her life and all that, but she's becoming the next Lyn May (a well-known cautionary tale through LatAm about the dangers of excessive plastic surgery from Mexico) and most fans won't want that. 

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