Aug 25, 2020

Rise of the TMNT is trying to destroy the TMNT

I have mentioned my dislike of RotTMNT that made everyone Asshole versions of Michelangelo. I also mentioned that it had too many nonsensical changes.
Time to meet the latest stupid change:
Armold Casey Jones (or Casey Bernid Jones, depending on which point of Mirage continuity you're reading) is a MAN! (Or teenage boy if you're following the 2012 nick series) Now Casey is a FORMER MEMBER OF THE FOOT CLAN AND IS A WOMAN...

This is literally Jennika, not Casey Jones!!
With every bit that I get to see of this cartoon, it kind of feels like the whole purpose of it is:
To take the biggest shit possible on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles brand.

"But it's a new take..."
The issue is not that it's a new take. The issue is that they are straying far too much from the source material.

"But the 1987 cartoon strays from the original"...
Yes, it does, partially due to era censorship laws that wouldn't allow a faithful adaptation of Mirage TMNT.
Despite certain changes it had to go through in order to become an 80s Child friendly adaptation, the show remained rather faithful to the essence of TMNT. 2003 was the pinnacle of TMNT adaptations. It toucjed a lot of Mirage TMNT stories, while it did its own thing. This series was more in-tune with the essence of TMNT than 1987... until fast forward and back to the sewers. that's when the show lost its way.  The 2012 series, was a sort of bridge between 1987 and 2003 series. It MUTATED the essence of TMNT to create a Hybrid of the Prime Turtles AND the Childish bastardization. But even then, it stayed true to its essence.

Rise, on the other hand, feels like some LGBTQ writer wanted to make her own original series, but realized she was supposed to make a TMNT series, so she took her D&D characters and repurposed them as TMNT. Right now I'm not sure if I'm insulting it fake She-Ra or fake ninja turtles.

The problem with Not Casey is that she is NOT a Gender swapped Casey. She's literally a completely different character carrying the Casey Jones name. The character could've easily been Karai, or  Jennika... Heck! Even a brand new character could've worked better. Making her Casey, made no sense.

But the good news is that this bastardization seems to have ended and will not get more episodes... I'd say they are 2 seasons too late.

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