Jun 9, 2021

Spec's Music closing down is a huge bummer...

 To most of y'all in the US, Spec's Music is a relic of the past... Like Suncoast Motion Picture Company. Well, technically speaking, this Spec's Music was pretty much a FYE aside the name. They're closing down their doors. The only FYE in Puerto Rico is shutting down... I happened to pass by yesterday, June 8th, 2021... and it hurt. Just like KB Toys, or Toys R Us, it felt like I was losing a piece of myself... while the situation is closer to Gamestop than KB, it still hurts. Plenty of old series and movies, I found there... Hell, I'd say 85% of my hentai collection came from Spec's/FYE. Yes I'm aware I can get it for free on the internet, but I'm trying to amass some weird shit so when my eventual death comes, my relatives have to deal with a moderately huge stash of anime porn. Most of it are relics of my teenage years. I didn't own any of those, but I had seen some of them and now that I'm "an adult" I've bought them.  Moving on from rubbing my hentai collection on my teenage self's face, That store also helped me in gathering collectibles that have been featured on this very blog. Once I get a Conrad Hauser, the Pimp Daddy Profit Director Destro that I bought there, will come out the Toy Chest.

So seeing a store that was usually full of merchandise and customers be reduced to 2 one quater aisles of merchandise is extremely depressing. I feel bad for the employees who will lose a if not THEIR source of income. On the other hand, this practically means that all my non-mainstream anime wants will have to be acquired online. Not to mention random items, like Billie Eilish were from Spec's...

So, it kinda sucks saying farewell to a store that I was a regular customer... yes, I "was today years old" when I found out that Spec's was short for Spector's... insert a Toyguru sucks remark here...

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