Jun 9, 2021


 Mon*Star is going to be $85 and 11 inches. The rest, so far will be $55. And of course I'm pissed... Now I know that Krang's Android Body will be $85 and most likely forced in a wave of 4 figures breaking the zen balance for collectors on a tighter budget. 

Now the Collectors on a tighter budget have to choose who to skip: Steelhart or Buzzsaw... and we all know that the correct answer is Buzzsaw.  Oh yeah, these guys go on sale on June 10... so, if you had to catch up with the turtles because you missed out, then you're SOL here...

Dammit, Super7, PACING!! You just sold 2 waves of TMNT... now you're asking for 4 figures for the price of 5! If y'all knew that Mon*Star was going to be $85, then you should've made this first wave a 3 figure wave and state that it's a 3 figure wave due to Mon*Star's size and price.

So if I were to order these I might only get three out of four because Mon*Star is too expensive... at least it's Buzzsaw and not someone important like Hardware or 80s Lady Gaga. Also, if they had spread out the waves a bit better,  a lot less collectors would've been in this pickle...
Gonna call it now: $600 Maraj...


They revealed a size comparison between Quicksilver and Mon*Star 

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