Jun 27, 2021

Top 20 Figures that I hope we can get "Classicized" in Masterverse

 With pictures and reviews of Masterverse Revelation wave 1, I got bacl to thinking about Classics. Sure they have less articulation than Masterverse, but I have Zero Masterverse and 100+ Classics.

I won't pad out the list with the missing New Adventures characters. But I want those as well.

It's a MOTU Themed list, of course my favorite Archeologist is going to be in it. (I should finish that custom I have in the back burner...)

Lt. Andra
I'm refering to the CLASSIC version of Andra, where she's a ginger, not the Revelation Ginger Erasure variant.

I know he's a weird choice, but "the father of Eternian Tech" is not that odd, since I've mentioned him a few times. Combining MOTUC and the Revelation lankier bodies, a weird creation COULD Happen.

You know I have been campaigning for him for quite some time.

Despite being a host for King Hsss in the DC Comic, having an official medic is a nice addition to the lineup.

I wanted her before she killed Neitlich's avatar. That is an added bonus.

The mighty wizard who forced Evil Lyn to work with Teela. Main villain from the iconic filmation episode the witch and the warrior...

Zalesian Princess Evil Lyn:
Or, a true 200X Evil Lyn who isn't wearing Teela's Clothes.

Captain Teela:
Basically Teela in Royal Guard Uniform. It's weird that Duncan has to wear a modified Palace Guard uniform while Teela runs in a white swimsuit.

Bounty Hunter Tri-Klops
First Mini Comic Appearance of Tri-Klops. It was a bit of a dick move to propose it for Origins when he was very desired in Classics.

Marzo had a lackey in Filmation... he's pretty lonely in MOTUC. Let us fix that.

Slime pit Mutant
Army builder for Skeletor and the closest thing to an undead creature in MOTU... Scareglow is a ghost.

King Miro
He completes the Royal Family. While I have a Miro head made by Ibentmymanthing,  we need Miro.

Castle Grayskull armored suit
If Oranges got one, we need one for Classics AND they can rerelease the Spirit of Castle Grayskull as well.

This Gladiator from the mini-comics or Filmation would go well with He-Man and Lodar (depending on the version made)

We have Dare and we need his "Skeletor"...
Otherwise, I wouldn't ask for him.

Netflix She-Ra 
Yes, I hate the show, but MOTUC covers ALL ERAS and that includes that shitshow...

Netflix Catra
For the sake of balance, nothing more.

Netflix He-Man 
I'm talking about the CGI version with He-Man looking like a Double Dragon Reject.

Netflix Skeletor
Again, CGI series, blah blah blah balance.

I know this list is similar to past lists, but I added the new Netflix versions for the sake of truly being all encompassing.
I wouldn't say no to a Classicized Revelation cast, but He-Man and Skeletor are too similar to their vanilla MOTUC counterparts...
Skeletor would be MOTUC Skeletor with a slightly repainted loincloth and Keldor cape.
Revelation He-Man would be a He-Man repaint with new harness and left forearm.

The point of me repeating these is because "SOMEONE at Mattel reads my blog" and since they value my input so much that "I was able to bring down Mattycollector" then my list can help them get some MOTUC stuff done in Masterverse. 

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