Mar 9, 2020

A Final Fantasy VII Remake rant:

With the demo out, SOME of the fears people had about it have subsided. Others have remained or new ones have arised. One thing is certain, Cucktaco is full of idiots who shouldn't be talking about games. One Cucktaco editor whined on Twitter that the FFVII Remake demo is too hard.
It's not. The demo hands out plenty of potions and ethers to reload your HP. That you can't simply punch the boss to death, because you have to duck for cover to avoid its special move. That it activates a barrier... and other standard stuff that was done EVEN IN THE TURN BASED GOLDEN ERA of JRPGs. Hell, the game literally tells you how to kill it. Not to mention that aside the slight "action game mode" changes, the fight is a padded out version of the Original PS1 fight. But everyone knows that videogame journalism is about being "woke" and not about videogames...

But back to the main issue: People are mad that people are complaining about the game.
Stupid complaints like Cucktaco guy are not what I'm talking about. People are dismissing genuine complaints as "hatred". And that is not, as Carly Colón would say: "Cool" (but his thick accent makes it sound like Culo, which is Spanish for Ass... See, I can have educational content too!)

The game is episodic: 
While we HAVE KNOWN that the game is episodic, the worrisome part is HOW THESE EPISODES ARE BEING SPLIT: Yes, Midgar functions as a world within itself, but the scale of the world becomes HUGE once we leave Midgar. Which brings up a bigger problem: pacing vs map.
How big will Episode 2 be?
Will they cut Kalm, Chocobo Farm, Mythrill cave? Fort Condor? Junon is the next "Big Hub-like" city that they can make the "entire game in". Having a long cutscene/tutorial in the Midgar Marsh as a self-contained mini-dungeon with the mate of the Zolom killed by JENOVA being the Boss. Instead of killing the Zolom, it would force the team to run away into the Mythrill cave, where more cutsceneposition happens all the way to Junon. And maybe Ft. Condor and the Junon Woods will become mini dungeons accessible via certain "nodes" while "junon remains the "big open world". But what then after that?
How big will each episode be? How much it'll cost me to get the whole game? $320? $640? $960?

The people defending this tactic are saying that this isn't FFVII, BUT FFVIIR... and claim that RESIDENT EVIL 2 had to CUT STUFF for their remake.
Yeah, RE2R cut some of the more tedious stuff to streamline the game. But Resident Evil 2 Remake actually DELIVERED THE WHOLE GAME, not just the first hour of ganeplay with enough filler to have "a whole game" out of that first hour.

Imagine if you will Nintendo making a renake of the original Super Mario bros. but only releasing world 1-1
Albeit a 5 hour version of it with Bowser, Koopalings, and other things not in the original game. That is what FFVIIR feels to some.

Lack of faith in Square Enix: 
This is another complaint that is being tried to be swept under the rug. While the demo was good, we know Square Enix tends to work at a snail's pace. Not to mention that they have the uncanny ability to make a delayed game feel rushed as Hell...

Which, means that George RR Martin may have a chance to finish A Song of Ice and Fire BEFORE AERITH DIES... and if PS5 ends up NOT being backwards compatible, will we have to Doubledip for FFVIIR?

The new elements are killing the mystique of the original:
In a previous rant, I mentioned that revealing JENOVA as the big bad in Midgar stole the horror aspect of the Cargo Ship section. Now it's been mentioned that Cloud will suffer more blatantly obvious "mini berakdowns" with More Nibelheim flashbacks intertwined. There is also a possibility of a Sephiroth battle. These diminish the role of Kalm. Basically Kalm is where the team reunites and calms down after a series of high octane boss fights abd crazy motorcycle riding. There Cloud explains JENOVA and Sephiroth's descent into Madness (or JENOVA AWAKENING within him) by having the resolve to stop JENOVA sonce Midgar, Kalm is pointless in Episode 2. What else will be cut in future installments due to the changes?  Will we get Yuffie before Junon and be betrayed by her in Wutai, or will we get her after the Wutai quest?
If Nanaki becomes completely unplayable, What will happen to Cosmo Canyon? So on and so forth.

The original is slowly becoming an abridged version of itself...

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