May 6, 2021

Does Hollywood hate redheads? Red Sonya is no longer a Ginger...

 She is now a BiPoC... a Mulatta with Nigerian and Norwegian parents. I am referring to Hannah John-Kamen who will play the role of Red Sonja in the new Red Sonja movie. Now this is the part where you call me racist and being against BiPoC despite me being a child of BiPoC parents and grandparents... genetically speaking I'm like a Supermongrel, but since I'm light skinned, that makes me a bedsheet wearing supremacist to you.

As always, my beef is not with PoC or BiPoC people getting jobs. My beef is that once again Hollywood erases a minority that is roughly less than 2% of global population, but they're  white, so fuck them, while replacong them with a minority that has higher numbers... And it's estimated that by 2050 25% of the global population will be African. While not all Africans are black, the number of black people is higher than Gingers... I understand that black people are 13% of the US population and that racial minorities should get some representation in Hollywood. Just stop replacing Gingers!! Replace Brunettes, blond people, white haired white folks for a change, but leave Gingers alone!!

Ginger Erasure is real... and not cool! Also, have you seen Red Sonja?

That outfit will create hypertoxic meltdowns worse than the Szechuan sauce meltdown...

Sexualizing a BiPoC!? How dare Hollywood!? Also, is this even related to Momoanan the Barbarian reboot?

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