May 26, 2021

Kevin Smith's MOTU "is Woke" say rumors...

 The thing is that aside the vintage mini comics and maybe the NU52 comics, MOTU has been somewhat woke. This is greatly in part due to filmation. So if Revelation is following filmation as a sequel series then it should have some wokeness.

Now with that said, what worries some people is that the show suffers from the way the wokness is done... by that I mean that it acts as a propaganda piece for modern wokeness above all else. Kinda like what's happening in modern Marvel Comics. Progressive messages aren't necessarily a bad thing. The problem lies in forgetting that this is a show to sell overpriced pieces of plastic shoddily put together for the sake of nostalgia. If the show doesn't captivate the audience, they won't buy the toys. They don't buy toys, show's canceled. If the messages are too preachy, people will be turned off by the show and the toys will fail. If toys fail, bye bye series. 

As long as kickass stories of battles between good and evil are delivered, progressive messages can be sprinkled in... as long as they do NOT become the main focus of the show. The main focus is to have a kickass show that sells toys. 

On the other, other hand, the existing race swapping of Lt. Andra, and the rumors of Teela being in a more important role has put people on edge. I'm trying to keep my expectations low.

As an added bonus here's a look at the Hot Wheels Land Shark... it looks pretty great and it's based on vintage, not Origins. Sadly Mattel didn't properly recreate the action feature. It doesn't chomp as it rolls. It has an articulated mouth  though...

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