May 25, 2021

Zack Snyder wants to make a porno...

 And a genderbent copy of The Wrestler with Amy Adams as a midwest housewife who starts bodybuilding and loses her family to her Canseco Juice obsession. He wants to take Amy Adams and pump her full of steroids so she can look like a bodybuilder...

I know... but it's the whole wanting to make a pornographic movie that has me like

Slow-mo, 4 hours long, with tons of plotlines going nowhere... some weirdly good looking visuals with a dark color pallette... Black and White version with 3 more hours of cut  content might be released later on. I can almost picture the Lesbian scene... or at least I can hear the soundtrack. Of course you'll know when the moneyshot is coming... pun not intended, because he'd most likely use the most pretentious version of Hallelujah to highlight it... you know, his dead daughter's favorite song. The one he used to film one of the worst cinematic sex scenes in modern era. Before the intellectually challenged Snyderites try to spin this as an attack on his dead daughter, it's not. I'm just calling out the bullshit of putting your daughter's favorite song on a cheap sex scene. Yes, I know he filmed Watchmen long before his daughter died. All I'm saying is that his attempt to gain pity points by mentioning that this specific song was his daughter's favorite after he had used it on a tacky sex scene AND on his Justice League teailer is messed up. 

I'm willing to bet that the only reason he mentioned the song was his daughter's favorite was because people mocked him reusing that song in the most pretentious way... after wasting the usage of the song on the laughably bad Watchmen sex scene.

And in order to show that he is not homophobic, Schneider will add I seen where a man is getting gang raped in prison and the raped guy is dressed up as Batman for some reason... because Zack Snyder.

He also wants to make a religious film but I'm starting to feel that this is just a ploy for him to get the attention he craves.

Should I watch Army of the Dead to make fun of it?

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