Jul 23, 2021

Revelation part 1 thoughts:

 Now that I've seen it, slept on it and rewatched, let me gather my thoughts.

The show was pretty good. It didn't show that the people behind it had a modicum of understanding of the brand at least tempted to be respectful to the source material. Was it perfect? No. 

Things I didn't like:
-Sarah Michelle Gellar performance as Teela  wasn't that great. She was playing Buffy instead of Teela. This is the part where I would normally make a joke about her ruining child like she did in Scooby-Doo, but that's too much of a low-hanging fruit even for me. The point is that says she already was Buffy and is now being Typecast as female badass everybody's going to see Buffy instead of the other characters. Had the role gone to a lesser known female voice actress it would have been better.

-Sidelining He-Man by Killing him then mortally wounding him after resurrection was a dick move. Despite Gellar's performance I didn't mind having Teela as the protagonist. The flashbacks were nice but at the same time they felt a bit of a bait and switch. They can technically say that He-Man is in every episode even if he really wasn't. 

-The race swapping was pointless. King Grayskull was barely used. All this crap about representation and KG was a 1 episode talking head. Only The character who was renamed as Andra got usage to be more than a glorified cameo. The talks of diversity were bullshit since 2 out of 4 black people were cameos. (Clamp Champ and a random Priestess) KG was a glorified cameo... you get the idea. Adding characters of color just to bench them? Real progressive, guys.

Things that were meh:
-The Music. It wasn't bad. It just felt a bit generic.
-the designs. While Teela Oldman was an awful design, the rest of them were, mostly uninspired...  either character loses eye, or has less clothes than the Mattel toy.  
-The story. This is closely tied to the awful Benching He-Man thing, but I'm not going with that angle. Smith kept calling the series a sequel to Filmation, but it wasn't. It was heavily inspired by the Neitlichverse. Also, a lot of storytelling suffered from the hypercompressed nature of this series. Some character development scenes felt a bit controved and forced because of limited screentime. The predictable not so shocking deaths of heroic sidekicks with poignant moments for the sake of raising the stakes were so obvious that even a blind man could see them coming.
The good:
-The animation, The fighting choreography, it's obvious that Powerhouse did their research. Aside He-Man Naruto Running it was beautiful to look at.
-Alicia Silverstone and Lena Headey's performances as Marlena and Evil Lyn were amazing. I specifically mention them because their performances exceeded expectations, especially Alicia Silverstone. Hell, I had forgotten that Alicia Silverstone was in this until I saw her name in the credits.
-Mark Hamill was pretty neat as well, even if his voice soubded like Skips making a Joker making a Skeletor impression. Hell, even Mewes impressed me as well.

If I was rating this like I do a videogame, it would get a 7.25 out of 10. It had a nice budget, a decent cast (minus one Love Action Daphne Blake) but there's a feeling of  something not being right. Like a bit of a try-hard approach at making MOTU Cool and Edgy. Somehow I feel that it was good, but 200X was better. 

I WISH they hadn't killed off Adam and forced him to the sidelines. Keep Teela as the protagonist, but we must keep Adam as the Main character.

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