Sep 29, 2020

It came from the Toy Chest: Bonehead Oranges

Skeletor: release me you man boob!!
I know I said, that Origins wasn't for me, but, He-Man needs a companion piece, which Skeletor is the perfect match. Skeletor Overlord of evil wants to conquer Eternia to become master of the universe. His overused strategy is to take over the ancient Fortress Castle Grayskull and take the secrets hidden within it. Unfortunately for him he's always stopped by He-Man.
Add chorus: HE-MAN HE-MAN!!!
Skeletor: Myaaah! I sound like Ray Romano after swallowing helium helium!
He-Man: my hair looks like it's made of linguini.
Not Peter Cullen: Masters of the Universe Origins from Mattel available only at Walmart

For the sake of fairness I will try to remain as impartial as possible but articulation is one of the things that this figure does pretty good. I may hate the idea, I may hate the way some things are executed, but this figure has a decent range of articulation. I cannot deny that. It has less articulation then I Classics figure but more than a 200X.
Think 200X with elbow, knee, ankle, and wrist hinge articulation. If this section sounds familiar it's because I straight-up copied and pasted it from the He-man review. There is nothing else I could say about articulation on these figures that I hadn't already said.
Skeletor: 38 years later and the half swords still don't work.

Paint and sculpt 
He looks Vintage-ish... aside the I got kicked in the Skelenards face. The teeth look weird to me because I'm not quite sure if the Lines line up with the sculpt. Then there's too much red on his eyes and he kind of looks like he's surprised rather than angry. And his open mouth kind of looks like he's whining instead of being menacing.
He-Man: Take that!
Skeletor:Oh, my Havoc Staff...
He-Man: Skeletor's got nards

Havoc Staff
Half sword
 Huh,he's pretty Bare bones, right?
That's  just like you remember!
38 years later and the half sword swords still can't properly combine. yay douchebag Ruben!!
Skeletor: Dramatic Pose!!!!
D ft Overall
Oranges Skeletor gets a 3.33 as his final score. Honestly I still don't like the figures, but I must admit that I still kind of want to have a few key characters:
Teela, Beastman, Man-at-Arms, Evil Lyn, Trap Jaw, Tri-Klops, Stratos, Merman, Ram Man, Sorceress, Adam, She-Ra, Orko, King Randor, and Queen Marlena.
I know it's far too many especially for a line that I don't like but that's like the core core roster and a She-Ra.
Notice that I said kind of want I didn't say I want want. My want wants would be Teela, Evil-Lyn, She-Ra, Man-At-Arms, Beastman, and MAYBE Trap Jaw and Merman... and even with this culled list I'm still thinking of culling it even more.
No idea what Faker's sculpt will look like.
 I don't hate them but I don't like them at the same time. I kind of see their appeal but I'm more of a Classics kind of guy

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