Sep 19, 2020

Why I can't stand with Ray Fisher

Ray Fisher keeps trying to push his 15-minutes of fame and it's been 14:58 minutes.
Now he has a new accusation: Warner announced that they brought back Affleck shortly before Fisher made another "reveal". Right now every time Ray Fisher opens his mouth what little credibility he had is being eroded away. Momoa delivered a word salad in which he said nothing of substance and that he stands with Fisher.

As always, nothing more than gossip and hearsay. Personally I find it surprising it that in 2016-2017 a time when pretty much everyone has a mobile device or two that can record audio and video; NO ONE, ABSOLUTELY NO ONE managed to catch these alleged unprofessional and abusive instances of Joss Whedon. Think about it. We have audio evidence of the infamous Christian Bale rant which was many years before Justice League but we don't have evidence of Whedon's abusive behavior.

 Why is that? Why hasn't anyone leaked Whedon's bad behavior to the internet? It said audio or video where to be put up to the public that would force WB's hand into accountability. But as always we have one big bowl of nothing.  it almost feels like Fisher, Momoa, Johns, Warner Brothers are doing some sort of kayfabe Feud promotion for the Snyder cut.

Why hasn't Henry Cavill commented on the issue? How about Ben Affleck, one of the producers of Justice League, why hasn't he commented on this? The only one who has commented is Jason Momoa and he has always been very prosec Snyder in everything he has said, even during the movie's press rounds.

There's something here that doesn't add up. I've mentioned before that the timing seems suspect. Now fissure keeps making even more shocking allegations but without saying actually anything. Kind of reminds me of the kid who says he has a girlfriend from all the way up north in Canada... and by the looks of it, Fisher's proof is as real as her.

If A>E, then show the proof! Otherwise, shut the hell up and cooperate with the investigators, you asshat.

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