And they all fell down shortly after taking the pic.
I forgot to take MOC pics, but got them from Wal-Mart. Bent cards despite having a box large enough for the figures and the box being full of protective air bags.
So, Man-at-Arms and Evil Lyn. As I already mentioned they are related to He-Man in some continuities. Man-at-Arms is a master of weapons, tactician, warrior, inventor. He's also the mentor of Adam... and Teela's adoptive dad.
Evil Lyn is Skeletor's sinister left hand. She often plots to overrule Skeletor, her husband in some continuities... whoa. In some continuities, Skeletor CREATES Teela as a clone of the Sorceress in order to marry her and inherit Castle Grayskull. So He-Man's uncle is Teela's dad, which makes Teela, He-Man's cousin. Not only that, but Skeletor wants to marry HIS OWN DAUGHTER in order to get his daughter's mother's house. Even Alabama is like "damn, son!"
But yeah, Evil Lyn is basically an Eternian Hera. Meg Foster reference was not planned.
Man-at-Arms is made on the He-Man buck but with neon green plastic. Everything I mentioned there, applies here. The only difference is that the arm and leg armor hinder the articulation a little bit.
He-Man: What's with the Mustache, Man-at-Arms? MAA: What's with the Linguini wig, He-Man? Teela:Je on moj očka? ali je to Skeletor? |
Evil Lyn is basically a yellow Teela, so everything I mentioned there applies here. I mean, she is a repainted Teela with a new head, so there isn't much I can say here.
MAA: 3.5
Evil Lyn: 3.5
Paint and sculpt
Again, I could make a reference to the He-Man and Teela reviews. But let us talk specifics:
Like He-Man before him, I like the sculpt from the neck down, because it captures the vintage feel. Incomplete body armor and all (I'm spoiled by MOTUC 200X) Duncan now has blue black hair and a mustache not paintes with nail polish. Back in the day I painted mine with nail polish. The vintage head didn't agree to it and I had to get a new one. I don't know his head just looks weird.
Evil Lyn on the other hand looks really great aside the knees. I almost want to buy a second one give her a Battleground evil Lyn Evil-Lyn repaint and have her as the teenage Evelyn that Keldor ended up marrying.
Also, I don't seem to hhave a crooked helmet issue.
MAA: 3.5
Evil Lyn: 4.5
MAA: He-Man, you son of a bitch!!
This one is unfair, since Evil Lyn only has her staff while MAA has a mace and armor.
But it showcases the problem with Origins being overpriced. I know that the Vintage evil-lyn came only with a staff but it was a glow-in-the-dark staff. This one doesn't do anything. I feel like they could have added Teela's Shield repainted in blue.
MAA: 4.5
Evil Lyn:3.5
Both get a 3.83 as their final score. They are noce for what they are. I'm trying to go for a symmetrical display, but with MAA, I broke Symmetry. Trap Jaw, Merman, Tri-Klops can surely fix it with a Ram Man and Stratos.
Then She-Ra and Adam... Masterverse hurry up already!!
Evil Lyn: Ενεργοποιούνται οι δυνάμεις της ράβδου ευχαρίστησης! Teela: Aktivirajte moči užitkov! Nefty: Ohh Myy! |
Nefty: I was going to suggest Third party casts of MAA's mace But since it looks like a "Massage wand" I dunno if I should... |
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