Feb 17, 2021

Super 7 is doing reissues on certain Thundercats characters

 In order to sell the obscenely overpriced Thundertank, Panthro is being reissued. He MAY have a slightly different paint deco. That's actually a decent move. But it technically be the THIRD time that Panthro sculpt is used. Mattel did the first time and Super7 is doing the other two times.

Panthro is not alone. With him, Lion-O: Lord of the Thundercats is being reissued as well. Again, it's a decent move, since he's a bit "hard to get" right now.

They're also doing  same to Mumm-Ra... the big buff one, not wimpy Mummy Mumm-Ra. So you can get  Big Bad to fight Lion-O and Panthro.

It's good to see that Super7 is confident enough to do occasional reissues. Not every figure needs one, but key characters should always have a second chance.

If you need these guys hit Super7 and prepare yourself for the waiting game.

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