Feb 17, 2021

TIGER Electronics games are nostalgic and weird

 Bringing back some 90s Nostalgia, Hasbro rereleased some TIGER Electronics LCD games. What are these? Basically the West's attempt at copying the success of Nintendo's Mr. Game and Watch series but way deep into the Gameboy era. I got The Little Mermaid, which I had actually played as a tween, and X-Men, which I wanted but Mom said no. On the flipside, she DID get me the Konami TMNT LCD game.

These were the poor man's alternative to actual video games. Some of them were fun despite their simplistic nature. Others are so incredibly frustrating that you have to resist the urge of tossing the game to the nearest wall hoping it explodes on impact. (X-Men is giving me that feeling) As I was saying, each game has a unique control system. For example, in X-Men, the D-pad controls the direction of Cyclops's optic blast... except down, where Cyke bends over to pick up X-Men logos. In order to move you must press the move button which is under the jump button. On The Little Mermaid, the D-pad lets you control the depth where you swim.

These are avaliable for $15... I've seen these warming pegs for quite some time and I said to myself: "screw it!" And bought these two. I hate the X-Men game... Controls are frustrating and due to hardware limitations, hitting Apocalypse with optic blasts is hard... Apocalypse is a henchman in this game and Juggernaut is the boss. 

 On this era when you can get fully fledged video games for free, I can't see the point on wasting $15 on these large bulky Limited single game "gaming systems". Even the Nostalgia factor wears out really fast. I honestly can't see kids playing these when they have Fortnite, which is free.

But if I could get ONE Tiger LCD game, I want this one:

Brings back memories of a more innocent age. My dad wasn't a complete asshole with me, which meant I wasn't a complete asshole with him. I wasn't an orphan, girls were becoming not icky. If lucky, on Friday I could stay up super late all the way until 8PM!!

These are not worth it...

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