Feb 17, 2021

MOTU movie is back in development Hell yet again...

 They lost their "He-Man" who is now in Black Adam. I'm kinda glad that Centineo is no longer attached to MOTU, because he wasn't exactly an inspiring choice. On the other hand, this cements the rumors about the movie being back in development Hell. 

COVID-19 has been detrimental to the movie industry. With SONY backpedaling on the dates,  not having a cast, or a completed script didn't help things. Game of Thrones came and went; no there's no one to pick up the flag on them now existing gap of a fantasy series. Whether by movie or series,  no one has stepped up to keep the desire of live action fantasy alive. 

Now I'm going to suggest something insane. Something that will surely earn me the wrath of over half of the MOTU fandom. Make a Tokusatsu out of He-Man.

 Now, before y'all grab the pitchforks and torches hear me out. I'm not saying turn He-Man into a Super Sentai style series. BUT those shows KNOW how to save money. Reused footage, multiple generic "faceless characters" fighting each other.  Effects heavy characters like Orko or Cringer would have reduced screen time. This wouldn't eliminate Battlecat completely as he can be used on some "reusable scenes".
See Battlecat in a type of scene that could be reusable. Characters having a sort of special attack can allow for reuse without having to refilm it every time.

Now a more "MOTU" version would be Ram Man running for his flying headbutt. We start with Ram Man running towards the enemy. Then the camera changes to the stock footage of Ram Man running in front of a trippy background as energy begins charging around him and when he jumps for the flying headbutt the energy engulfs him in a sort of aura shield and he flies like a man-sized bullet into the enemy. The enemy is hit by "Ram Man" but what we see is the enemy being hit the aura that engulfed Ram Man and the enemy is sent flying. One jumpcut later and Ram Man is landing where the enemy was.

Or we could have Whiplash turning around and with a jumpcut we see the tail attacking the enemy.

Palace Guards and Skelcons would serve as the perfect cannon fodder for both sides. One-off villains can have a non-skelcon generic fodder villain.

Now for the episode format:
Adam "is being lazy" and avoiding his royal duties. Teela disapproves of Adam's irresponsible behavior.
From here we have a couple of variations:
-Randor is disappointed with Adam, so he sends him, Teela, MAA, and a "guest Master" on a diplomatic mission.
-Sorceress summons Adam and MAA to Grayskull. Adam sneaks out to go as He-Man. Teela tags along. The "guest Master" joins later in the episode.
-MAA is field testing an invention, or is giving Adam and Teela a field lesson. "Guest Master" tags along.

This brings us to Skeletor or some other one-off villain trying to do evil:
-wanting to conquer whatever place Randor sent Adam to.
-is planning to attack Grayskull.
-is planning to attack Eternos. Maybe using MAA's invention.

If the villain is a one-off he uses his generic troops to attack our heroes. Adam runs away to transform. He 6th Ranger fights some generic troops until he returns to find the other Masters in bad state. He fights the villain and wins.

If the villain is Skeletor, then Skeletor, Evil Lyn, Beastman and the "Evil Master of the Week" attack the Heroic warriors with the Skelcons. If He-Man is present, then He-Man locks in combat with Skeletor, as the other heroic warriors deal with the rest. Orko could randomly appear and cause an accident that helps the Heroic warriors.
With the other Evil Warriors beaten, Evil Lyn cuts her loses and teleports the rest of the Evil Warriors to Snake Mountain. Once outnumbered Skeletor upgrades his armor and defeats the Heroes, forcing He-Man to upgrade his armor.
Yes, it's a way to canonize Battle Armors, Thunderpunch, Flying Fists, Dragon Blaster, and Terror claws. Also it's a nod to the Battlizers. Once Skeletor loses the upgrade, he teleports to Snake Mountain. He-Man leaves and Adam returns shortly afterwards feigning an injury or any other excuse to hide that he is He-Man.

The beauty of the episodic series format is that there is no need to tell a huge story with the limits of 90-120 minutes. Instead you tell multiple smaller self-contained stories that when put together tell a more epic saga in bite sized adventures... also, the series format allows for actual mini comics to be adapted. Also, the Tokusatsu format is more toyetic, which Mattel would love.

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