Feb 2, 2021

It came from the Toy Chest: Todd McFarlane did Kevin Conroy justice

 I haven't been too trusting in McFarlane toys handling Articulated figures. I reviewed Doomguy and he was disappointing. Kirk, well... he was OK, but not Mindblowing.
I got Spawn and I was pleased by the articulation. I ordered on eBay a loose and incomplete Flash... it was under $10 and cheap shipping. He's missing a single speed force lightning and his card. A steal.
I liked the articulation on him and it looked better than Superman (who now I kinda have to buy since I have Flash and Batman)
So, I was on the hunt for a NECA Doc Brown or a classic Pennywise. Tim Curry IS Pennywise... but I digress, I saw a couple of Marvel Legends at FYE and a Funko Pop Tri-Klops... which I got. They had a couple of Modern Batman, or Dick as Batman, not sure... point is I don't like the Batman with the big black bat with a yellow outline. Hidden behind some unrelated stuff, I saw a Bruce Wayne Batman that said to me in his sexy Kevin Conroy Bat-voice: I am Vengeance, I am the Night!! I am!! BATMAN!! and I grabbed him. It was not the Animated Batman, but the Arkham Knight Batman!
Detective mode... You KNOW 

Bruce Wayne, son of Thomas and MARTHA Wayne, became an orphan at a young age. Vowing revenge, he trained his body and mind into the crime-fighting force of nature known as Batman. A man with no super powers, yet he uses his strong will and near unlimited resources to keep up with the God-like Super powered members of The Justice League.
Batman: Goddammit Barry!
What are you doing here!?

The Arkhamverse Batman follows a slightly more mature/realistic version of the Animated series, featuring some of the original Voice Actors from said series... particularly Kevin Conroy as Batman (and Mark Hamill as Joker) This Batman is from the final game in said series, Arkham Knight...
Flash: Some... Demon dude...
Red cape... spikes and chains...
Looking for you!
Batman: Great... a Hellspawn. Go to the Batcave tell the Batcomputer to engage the Todd McFarlane protocols... Bring me the gadget it'll unlock, HURRY!

His articulation is similar to that of Flash... except the torso. He lacks the "boob cut" PoA that Flash has. He kinda can bend at the waist a lot more than Flash though.
Spawn: Bruce Wayne, Hell is calling your name...
Batman: I Do NOT KILL, Hellspawn! 
Spawn: You do NOT KILL DIRECTLY, Mr. Wayne, but your actions have driven many
Souls to Hell and giving Malebolgia an army...
I must stop your crusade, or else evil will win!!
Batman: Here!

Paint and sculpt 
Bats has tons of details since he's based on the game version. I don't think he's 100% on model, but he's close enough for me. Something feels off, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
There is a bit of paint slop on his face. I was able to scrape it off without scrathing the figure. Everything else seems fine.
Spawn: A distraction!
Batman: You are good, then again
I should expect that from Lieutenant Colonel
Albert Francis Simmons...
Spawn: How did you!?
Batman: I'm Batman!!

Explosive Gel dispenser
Remote Electric Charge
Spawn: Is that Plastique gel?
Batman: My own blend.

I kinda feel like he could've used some additional bat gadgets, seeing the game has so many of them.
Batman: (That Blast wasn't going to stop him, but... Oh, Barry dropped this!)
Spawn: I tried to persuade you peacefully. I even held back for your sake. Now I shall cripple you, Wayne...
Batman: Taste some Holy Lightning, Asshole!
*crackle boom*
Nefty's notes: This REC 's tip is made from the nails that held Christ to the Cross, hence it's ability to damage creaturws from Hell. A present from John Constantine.

Batman gets a 4.67 as his final score. I kinda wish he had more gadgets. He's a really nice figure and I recommend him. Hell, I can't believe I'm recommending McFarlane toys...
Flash: Easy, Bruce...
Batman: I'm OK, Barry... just some broken ribs. Thank you.
Superman: Is it dead?
Batman: I wouldn't get too close to him, Clark. His Hellspawn abilities are magical in nature.
Spawn: You have been tested, Bruce! You might be able to hold on against Malebolgia's forces... just know that your path will not end in Heaven and it would be a shame if you become Malebolgia's servant.
Flash: For some reason I wanna watch Disney's Gargoyles...
Everyone: Goddammit, Barry!

To be honest, I've been having way too much fun with these Batman and Flash figures. I kind of regret now skipping on the first Superman I saw. Even if it had ugly ball joints, I shouldn't have skipped him.

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