Apr 27, 2022

Mattel explores sale... is this good or bad?

 News that Mattel is looking for buyers after some profits on their latest quarter is sending mixed signals. It looks, from one point of view that the sale would mean an influx of cash for the company, but at the same time it also means new bosses and we have seen how new bosses work. I want to believe that this is a good thing, but I'm very wary about this... I would expect a hit on QC to appease the new bean counters. This would suck especially since Mattel recently learned to not be too ass backwards with their cheapskate ways.

On the other hand, the new bosses could be pro collectors and maybe spend a bit more on upping the quality for the long run... yeah and Kelly Kapowski is my girlfriend.

Saying that I have a bad feeling about this is an understatement...

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