Dec 15, 2023

Hasbro is firing Over a thousand employees and most toy "reporters" are shutting people down

 Chris Cocks is firing a shit ton of people and keeping his juicy salary. Unlike Nintendo, Cocks has no honor. The thing is how "toy insiders" and "big shot reporters" are calling out the customer base for having the gall of criticizing Chris Cocks's dickish actions in order to save his own juicy salary. 

Being laid off so close to the holidays sucks royal dick...  What sucks more is folks DEFENDING these firings in order to protect their access to free toys. I already have the advent calendar reviews made and they're publishing automatically, so I won't change anything on the reviews... unless I get bored one day and decide to fix typos... february 30th. I still got some old Hasbro products to go through mainly ML, and Classified figures. I think a Shining Armor is MIA. But after I get the remaining D&D Kids,Torch, Shipwreck, and Doc I'm done with Classified Lightning collection is pretty much dead. And ML has been losing me... and I might kwit teh liens. Wouldn't be the first time I quit ML. 

Prices going up, Quality going down, corners being cut everywhere. There's no real reason to support NECA prices with "inferior sculpts and less accessories" but you don't hear a peep about the "toy influencers" having issues with companies. They all get swept under the rug because Free toys. Fuck you and your free toys. If you're a "reporter" as some of you claim to be, then the "free toys" are bribes. Many of the characters in these toylines would not approve bribery. Reporters are supposed to be truthful. Part of being truthful is NOT TAKING BRIBES. 

A part of me would love to get free toys... BUT a bigger part of me would hate having to LIE in order to get free stuff. To be fair, I've gotten free toys in the past and I've mentioned that they were from online contests and not paid sponsorships. When I did KMart Exclusives, I did point out that the reviews were of my own free will and disclosed that I had professional relations with them, while I worked with them. I paid for them, but I had certain perks that other customers didn't.

Jon snowHank HenshawLeatherhead. "Toy reporters" would've shied away from doing said reviews. I don't, because I still have some integrity, despite being an asshole... But as an asshole with a blog,  I can't lend myself to DEFEND THE FIRING OF 1100 PEOPLE SO A CEO CAN PROTECT HIS JUICY SALARY. 

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