Dec 17, 2023

Advent Calendar 17: Now I have a slightly better idea on how an Ultimates Tokka would look like:


No mailer, no slip cover...
Less accessories, higher price...
My desire for Bishop to have
Slash clones is beating my
Common sense.

Who is an idiot who bought a Slash with GITD? ME!!! His coloring somehow reminds me of the Playmates Tokka... minus the head, shoulders, hands, and maybe feet. I dunno, I've been writing this since mid-october when my GITD Slash shipped. Yeah, I tend to write the intros with figures on their way. Then once I get the figure, I take the MOC pic. Then I open the figure, tinker with it for a few minute/days, then take the pictures. Sometimes I forget to take the pics or making the review. 

So, SLASH... He's a Bizarro Turtle from Dimension X... allegedly a cannibal, since he eats other Turtles... in some continuities he becomes an anti-hero turtle. He's bigger and meaner... like Venom is to Peter Parker... his weaponry somewhat mimics and mocks the Turtles. The Butterfly knife mocks leo, the twisted sai, mocks Raphael, the Big mace mocks Donatello, and the spiked chucks mocks Michelangelo the black banadana is to show that he's bad to the shell. Yes I copied this blurb from the normal Slash intro. Mainly because it's the same figure but molded in glow in the dark plastic.

There isn't much that I could add here so let's begin with the review: 

This is mostly copied from OG Slash, but with some tweaks for the present figure.
Slash is similar but different than the turtles. First he's in a hunched posture, which chamges his head's orientation. This limits some movement. He cannot look to the sides properly, nor down, despite having a decent range of articulation on the head. He can kinda look up. Some of his arm movement is limited by his shoulder armor and shell spikes, but his legs have a decent range and he also has a swivel joint on his tail. It's acceptable.

Paint and sculpt:
The sculpt is the same as normal Slash... as it's supposed to, since it's the same figure molded in different color plastic. Like I mentioned in the original figure review, he has some accessories that are removable. They could get lost if you figure falls down as they come off his belt quite easily. The colors are very funky, but they arent too much of an eyesore after a while. This palette gives off a bit of Tokka vibes. Hopefully Super7 will hit something between the vintage toy look and the movie look. I kinda wish he had been made with the blue glow plastic and his shell been made in the green glow plastic. It looks like I may have to buy some glow in the dark paint to add some glow into areas that I think they should have glowed in the first place.

Since Playmates has been crying like a little bitch and Super7's  been looking for ways to cut corners... Figures now have no mailer or slip cover, giving Meent on Kard Collectors a big "Fak Yu Asswhole!" Well now we have Slash's rack stuff without the rack. Less for more... Yahoo! But Nefty wants to have Slash clones...
To make matters worse, slash has three pegs to hold three ninja stars, but he only comes with two. B-Flynn, what the fuck!? 

Slash gets a 4.0 as his final score. Honestly the figure is not that bad but the little set of flaws that it has, piss me off greatly! But he glows... Just hury up with the Archie Styled Repaint and Tokka. But I haven't mentioned the glow feature. It goes really bright in the dark without that much light. It lasted about 6-7 hours. Incredibly enough while much fainter, the foot soldier out- glows slash in the long run.

I also figured out the Slash Cloned Clan:
Gold lens= Slash
Black Lens= Axl
GITD = Bimmi 
White Lens = Ozzy 
I still haven't finished painting Ozzy that's why he's in the back. By the time I finish painting Ozzy, that's when Super7 will announce the official Archie Comics Slash. 

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