So, Jackalman... He's one of the Plun-Dar Mutants and comes from a race of Jackal People. He may be Irish... I had to take a jab at the shillelagh at some point! But if you hate the Irish, he has a Pole Ax... He's also the ONLY villain figure that the super short lived Mattel line will have. I guess this should be Mattycollector's new Anthem.
Let's get to the Review Part of the Review, shall we?

Jackhole Mann has the same Articulation as a MOTUC Figure... But with added wrist and ankle articulation.

Paint and sculpt:
He's nearly flawless. There's a slight bit of slop on his greaves, but it's barely noticeable from near distances.
The clever reuse of MOTUC Parts with new pieces makes him pop. It's a shame that his neck piece is loose, but Mattel had to save money somehow.
Note: Mattel sent me a Jackalman with a screwed up left hand. I had to scrape off a lot of flashing to make his left hand move... I SHOULD Send him back, but with Mattycollector closing shop in a month, I don't trust them...

MY Jackalman gets a 4.0 as his final score. Had his hand been perfect, he'd be a 4.17, but it is what it is.
The Armor flaw hurts me twice because Nefty-kun would have enjoyed sporting a Shoulder Pauldron similar to that of Cloud Strife... Or cutting the pauldron for Duncan to have a more 200X MAA... Shame that Jackalman is a bit expensive... cause he's great for Generic Beastmen.
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unfair advantage for the Thundercats. |
Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!
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