I'm talking about Superman Doomed, or MOTUC Custom Fodder Nu52 Supes infected with a "Doomsday Virus".
That's pretty much the explanation: NU52 Supes gets infected with a "Doomsday Virus" that makes him into a Hulk Rip-Off.
The Only Reason I bought him was to use as custom fodder. I mean those boots seem perfect for a more Filmation Accurate Bow. Those Shoulders and Biceps seem Perfect for a Meaner Spikor, That head is Perfect for one of the Spare Sunder Bucks. Those forearms and hands could work on a generic Snakeman or Horde Member as a sort of Berserker.

Standard MOTUC Articulation minus Boot cut... For some reason his lower legs are 1 piece. slight hindrance due to shoulder spikes.
Paint and Sculpt:
I'm not sure how close to the Source Material this is, so I can't judge it fairly... It looks like a Doomsday'd out Superman... The Paintjob is minimal, but the new parts are superb... Oh yeah there's slop on one of his legs.

A Doomsday arm... not pictured out of laziness.
This figure is ASS!! It gets a 3.17, but it still is ASS!! the S.O.B.s at Mattel made him with no visible Elbow or knee pegs, so I can't disassemble. I knew I had to cut the Shoulders to swap them (King Hsss Shoulder fix trick) but I have to break the Bicep to be able to swap forearms AND I must break the thighs to get to the shins. Knowing that MOTUC fans buy EVERYTHING with a MOTUC buck due to the versatility of customization, Mattel decides to shoot itself on the foot. Better not screw up Joker that much... I will need 2 or 3...

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