I mentioned that I got a Savage He-Man that broke, but since it was cheap and I only wanted the Orko, here we are. So, This is the Revelation "Savage He-Man" which was a load of bullshit and Magic AIDS Orko. I know some people are going to REEEEEEE!! against me for saying that Orko looks like he has AIDS. As someone who lost a relative nearly 30 years ago to AIDS, I'm not trying to mock the disease. The emaciated look that Orko had and the whole apprecoating what little life one has attitude reminded me of a cousin of my Mom who passed away to AIDS in the mid 90s. He was partially ostracized by the family, due to ignorance of the disease. He was at family gatherings but everyone kept a ton of distance from him... Don't know if this was worse than ostracizing him completely, because it was acting like he was a leper or something.
But back to the two-pack. This is another of the so-called Deluxe figures.
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Check the awful factory paintjob and my MacGyver's solution to tbe broken peg. |
Adam has the standard Masterverse articulation. In my case he lost a bit of Neck articulation since the barbell peg on his neck was broken. I had to fill the Neckhole with Green Stuff to make his ball joint similar to Hasbro's... I lost a bit of head articulation there.
This figure has the jankiest joints of all Masterverse figures I've had so far. Some joints have been "glued shut" by the crappy wash, but once unglued, they are ridiculously floppy... I woll have to get some pledge to gum up the joints...
Paint and sculpt
The sculpt is decent. But the atrocious paint wash looks atrocious. Instead of govonh the muscles definitioms, ot kinda lools lile he rolled through mud or shit.
Spear, Axe, sword, 2 hands, Orko...
So, before I can rate this set, I must tackle the Trollan with Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome.
Orko has LESS articulation than his MOTUC Counterpart, despite being larger. The emaciated look with spindly bare arms made it im
possible to add any articulation at the elbows or wrists, which reduces the amount of usable poses for him. That's not counting the oversized scarf blocking his already limited articulation...
Paint and sculpt
As much as I hate this look, it IS Faithful to its source. I honestly don't know if we'll ever get another Orko and he looks "close enough" to Traditional Orko.
His stand. It has 2 sections with articulation.
Orko averages at 3.5 which I must take into consideration when rating the two-pack...
OK with Orko out of the way let's get back to Accessories.
He should've gotten a second Snarling head. The head he currently has looks mildly annoyed. But then again, one whole additional figure... so
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He-Man: He-Man want Boobies!! Teela has Boobies! Teela: Oh He-Man, you've never been so direct! I like this new you!! Duncan: Overprotective parent powers Activate!! Teela: Zoardammit, Dad!! |
Savage He-Man ON HIS OWN gets a 3.83 as his final score, but this is a two-pack, so we need to combine both scores. After some simple mathematics, the final score of the set is 3.67 which is a decent score. I ignored the broken Neck peg on mine, because that was a fluke... but what I couldn't ignore were the other issues with articulation. I'm really considering making a Caucasian King Grayskull and make Allstate King Grayskull D'Vann Grayskull's half brother... whom I shall call Hon'norr Grayskull.
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I would be using the Grayskull harness and cape, while the rechristened Hon'norr would be using the Viking He-Man harness slightly repainted... |
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