Dec 4, 2022

Saint Seiya teaser... The latin American Intro warned me...

 The Latin American intro to Saint Seiya wasn't Pegasus Fantasy. It was La Canción de Los Heroes... The song or Heroes, but it sounded more like La Canción de los Errores, The song of Errors... mistakes. No really, it does...

Well, we have a teaser for the Live Action version of Los Caballeros del Zodiaco... and it looks like this:

Yup, this is one of the mistakes that the Guardians of the Universe sang about when triunphing over evil... again, Spanish intro song:
Los Guardianes del Universo
Al triunfar al mal
Sin dudarlo salen a combatir 
Por un mundo ideal
Caballeros del Zodiaco
Cuando Lanzan su ataque
Entonan con fuerza su cancion
La cancion de los he roes (errores)

Translation for the Spanish impaired
The Guardians of the Universe 
When triumphant over evil
Doubtless they go to combat
For an ideal world
Knights of the Zodiac
When they Launch an attack
They loudly sing
The song of He Roes (Errors)

This shit looks like Dragon Ball Evolution, but a smidge more faithful to the source Material... but not FMA faithful though. I have a feeling that it's more inspired by the Netflix Bastardization that it's now Crunchyroll's. Anyway, it looks bad. How bad? I rewatched the Sequel Trilogy to wash off the suckitude.

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