Mar 18, 2023

Dammit Mattel, why do you tempt me like this?

 It's another WWE Wrekkin Vehicle... First the Slammobile, then the Slamcycle, then the Slambulance, followed by the Rampage Rig, the Forklift...*shenmue music intensifies* I'm only missing vehicle variants and the ATV... well, now you have to throw this at me!? How Dare You!? 

A Monster Truck!? A freakin' Wrekkin Monster Truck!?
It looks so big and so tiny at the same time...
Part of me wants it to turn it into this:

Funny thing is that Rocksteady or Bebop would have to fit through the window and drive Ace Ventura style, while the other rides on the back... 

I feel like If Mattel made a new Mattycollector styled site to sell 1:10 vehicles and "playsets" with the wrekkin gimmick but not tied to WWE, they'd sell well. They could use the WWE, Masterverse, and their old MOTUC figures. For example a Garbage truck driven by New Eternia Beastman while John Cena is giving Skeletor an Attitude Adjustment and in the back of the truck, about to be compacted, we could have The Mighty Spector. For $60-ish, it would be a reasonable deal.

Perhaps they could make modular "displaysets". What do I mean by displayset? A playset that works as a display piece as well. Let's use this ToyBiz Spider-Man playset as an example: 
We eliminate the flipping arm and the web net...
We're left with the back wall, the dumpster and the Balcony. I'd have the Dumpster be able to be opened and closed. I'd have the balcony to be collapsible/trapdoor kind of feature. The window could open and close. I would probably add some accessories, like a couple of trash cans with removable lids to give the alleyway vibe to it.

"Where's the modularity?" you may ask. The "displayset" I described based on the ToyBiz Spider-Man playset would be alley 01 of a series of 3. Alley 02 and 03 could have different features. The idea is that one could mix and match sets to have a bigger alley, or make corners to create a dead end or something like it. I'm just spitballing some ideas that include play options, because embossing foamboards makes cheaper display walls. But back to the main topic:
Mattel could move the wrekkin' subline to something bigger than just WWE.

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