He-Man vs Skeletor: Their Final Battle (A New Era Begins)
Written by Scott Neitlich
Pencils by Axel Gimenez
Inks by Diana Egea
Colors by Carrie Strachan
Letters by Derron Bennett
Cover by Wellington Alves and Randy Mayor
Senior Art Director: Larry Berry
Editor Michael McCallister
Those are the folks behind this comic... I'll be focusing mostly on the Writing and Art...
Mostly praising the art, but criticizing the Despondos out of the writing... So, There Will be Spoilers... You have been warned.
This is not my first rodeo reviewing MOTUC Comics.
Let's get a few things out of the way.
I'm NOT a Professional writer. I'm just an A-Hole with a blog who rambles about stuff in a semi-coherent manner and prone to using cutaway gags either by embedding videos or links to other things halfway through a rant. The point I want to reach is that I'm not a great writer... Hell, I would consider me less than good. (not an issue about self esteem, but an issue about knowing that I do not excel at writing fiction... Not even bad fan-fiction that can become a best selling book.) but somebody else is not a great writer either and it shows.
Another thing that shows is his Bias against Princess of Power and New Adventures. in the PoG 3 Parter, Neitlich skips ALL of POP. Here, ALL of NA is skipped. Hydron and the rest of the NA guys are MIA. Flipshot has either an eyepatch or is wearing a knock-off Solid Eye and Flogg is now a Futurama Reference. They're going to kick Horde Prime's Red candy ass all the way to Pluto. She-Ra does a Sword to X and knock's Horde Prime's McGuffin out of his hands. He-Man and Skeletor both jump to grab the McGuffin and vanish, now She-Ra faces Horde Prime Alone... Off Panel cause PoPphobia, of course. So, He-Man and Skeletor land on Trolla right in the middle of a Battle of Losers. The ones from the Create a Character. The ones from the 80s are good but the ones from 2011 are evil. Netta is now Canon... and if a new cartoon is made and Netta shows up, I wish that Jennifer Hale gets to voice her with her PS1 Naomi Hunter Voice. Oh I love it when she says Anti-Freezing Peptide!!
So, we meet the Trollan Defenders and their enemies, the Revenge Squad... whose Lair has a VERY toyetic look... It even has a handle for pony's sake...

We also see a dude named Man-Crystal... I'm not even going to comment on this... Man-Crystal... That almost sounds like a porno based on the Saga of Crystar.
There's this Big dude named Hans Hammer Holder.
Then there is this golden Robotic Woman called... wait for it...
RoboWoman... I'll not criticize the unimaginative names since half of MOTU has those... Beast Man, Mer Man, He-Man, etc. What I'm going to criticize is how Neitlich answered the question regarding RoboWoman's name... According to the Script (that Neitlich himself wrote if the credits on the comic are to be believed) her name is RoboWoman. There is also a bad guy called Muck Man (according to the script...) but wait a minute, isn't there a Muck Man on the TMNT Line?
So they fight to stop Skeletor and the Revenge Squad from taking over the Temple of Power... (a Hyperstylized Castle Grayskull) Inside the Trollan Grayskull, He-Man and Skeletor become Laser Powered Variants. Skeletor then smacks He-Man in the face and makes the King He-Man scar... (I liked the Fan theory that Blade did it much better than Skeletor gave me a boo-boo) So, He-Man decides to Shinkuu Hadoken Skeletor,who cries for his mommy. that's right: Neitlich turned the Overlord of Evil into a whiny Mama's boy. Keldor dies but not before redeeming himself... We get a glimpse of the future... Sir-Loser-Lot, a Repaint of NA He-Man, and Spiderpool... In the Spidey upside down pose... Hoo boy!
So, the Epilogue...
3 Cosmic Enforcers (one who looks like Zanthor from Filmation, a second one looks like he's from Sagitar's race and the third looks like the Alien Zodaq) go to Keldor's grave where Despara... wait for it... Goes all Altered Beast on Skeletor. To be Continued in The Fall of Eternia... (Buy the 2015 Sub)
So, what do I think of it? From a writing point:
There I said it. I'm sorry but Scott Neitlich NEEDS to know his limitations. He totally would not get a Comic Book Writing Cutie Mark... It suffers from the Too big for its own good syndrome, reeks of bad fanfiction, ridiculously rushed and Excessive product placement for product that will NOT BE MADE. Who needs Hans Hammer Holder* when we are missing Angella... I've complained about the whole Son of He-Man so, I'll avoid that. Last but not least, the cliffhanger. Final Battle... Final Battle my ass!
*=I'd love a Hans Hammer Holder Figure, I just need Angella a LOT MORE...
I'm trying to put things in a tasteful manner right now. I think it's ABSOLUTE CRAP! that we get changes to past canons, but instead of exploring that; they get swept under the rug and we have to fill in the gaps with past cartoons. NA doesn't work if there is no Adam, but there is a NA She-Ra and possibly other Eternian Masters on Primus.
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