Feb 12, 2020

Rita Repulsa is a Gamestop Exclusive...

What the Hell is it with Lightning Collection MMPR villains being Gamestop Exclusives?

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the part that she comes with a Lord Zedd figure. He was basically a chase figure on Wave 1. A figure that that I happen to own and paid a bit more since I found it at FYE.
 But for those who we're unable to find Lord Zedd this is a decent deal.
So let's see Trini is coming,  I already pre-ordered Rita...  all that's left is basically a true Zack and Billy...
And maybe get the Rangers all over again if they make the ninjetti versions. I was considering getting the Zeo rangers, but that would have me stuck with Tanya and no Aisha.
Or if they make the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 90s movie version I might be tempted to get those as well...

It's better being a frog than that creepy Koizumi...

 but yeah you can pre-order yours at GameStop.

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