Feb 22, 2020

Hell has frozen over: Todd McFarlane has made a "super articulated" Spawn.

have to put Super Articulated in quotation marks because McFarlane...
We have seen the super articulation failing in the Doomguy. While the articulation is a bit better on the DC figures,  it's not up to par with other modern action figure lines. So until we can get the spawn in hand we will not know how well articulated the figure is.
Ladies and gentlemen here is your Mortal Kombat 11 Spawn...

Please tell me that you caught the one main issue I have with this release...
  McFarlane Toys, a toy company owned by Todd McFarlane; who is also the creator of Todd McFarlane's Spawn who should have no trouble whatsoever in making Spawn toys...  Makes a Spawn figure for the licensed Mortal Kombat 11 line I couldn't reveal the figure until everything was cleared with the licensor... in this case netherrealm Studios who got access to the spawn license from Todd McFarlane to add Spawn into the game...

That's 31 Flavors of messed up... it's also a bit sad that McFarlane couldn't make a Spawn toy in a Spawn line despite owning Spawn.

The figure doesn't look bad for a McFarlane toy... as a matter of fact that the most dynamic posing for a McFarlane figure I have ever seen!!

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